Thursday, March 4, 2010


Now, the Chickadee in my day did not look like this! I have to say though, this one is much more fun!

Within the issue of Chickadee I chose (Dec. 2008), featured were articles like comics, a "did you know" section, animals, games, recipes (for children, of course), an "eye-spy" type thing, stories, poems, science experiments and an opportunity to mail different things in the be included in the magazine. The magazine is bright and fun, and I think children would really enjoy this. I know during my time at the Fredericton Public Library in New Brunswick, the children loved reading this and looking at the pictures. This magazine is probably best for children within the 6-9 year old range.

I give this magazine a 4 out of 5! Lots of fun!

Genre- Magazine

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