Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Muhammed Ali - Champion of the World

Muhammad Ali is a name most people know, and one a lot of children may hear often but not really know the story of who this man was.

The story begins with a little history on black boxers, talking about Jack Johnson, Joe Louis and then finally Cassius Clay, the man who would eventually become Muhammad Ali. The momentous times in Ali's life are highlighted in this children's story talking about his first win, when he refuses to fight in the war, his imprisonment and finally his comeback to the ring, overtaking George Foreman in an unexpected win.

I didn't think I'd enjoy this little story as much as I did. I always found Muhammad Ali annoyingly arrogant, which he has admitted on his own. The story includes all the major points of Ali's life, and even his extreme confidence, but still remains a children's tale. This is a great read for a child who is asking about Ali's life! I would recommend this for 7-8 year olds. Also, the illustrations are wonderful!

I would give this a 4 out 5

Winter, Jonah. Roca, Francoise. (2007) Muhammed Ali - Champion of the World. New York, NY: Shwartz & Wade Books.

Genre- Biography

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