Monday, March 29, 2010

Sleeping Beauty, Disney Movie

We all know the story of Sleeping Beauty, and mostly we know it from the Disney film version. The cartoon film version of this, by Disney was and still is one of my favorites. The princess is cursed by the evil fairy, Maleficent. Before her 16th birthday, she will be pricked by a spinning wheel, and die. One of Aurora's fairies, weaken the curse so that true loves kiss will be able to awaken her from the curse, if it should happen. Aurora lives her life in the forest to protect her (side note- Her forest name is Briar Rose!), with her three fairy godmothers, until she meets the prince. She is lured out of the forest, and pricks her finger on the spinning wheel causing her to fall into a deep slumber. But not to worry, for she is indeed awaken by the true loves kiss, when the Prince kisses her to life.

Although not a Pixar children's movie, I believe that something like Sleeping Beauty can still hold a child's attention. It's still filled with the same sexist type element that most classic fairy tales are (who are we kidding, no one's true love kiss can wake me up!), but I think the music and the colorful look of the film will still entice a child. Again, it's another opportunity to show a child story's from days gone by. The age range of this film really depends on what a child can watch and not be to frightened, since some of the scenes are indeed, evil. I would recommend it for 7+

Sleeping Beauty (1959). Disney Corp.

Genre: Movie

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